Over the past two years in particular, the importance of occupational health and safety has become...
Optimi News
FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING: WHAT IS IT AND WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? In financial accounting, a company's...
What Makes Optimi College different?
Optimi College, previously operating as College SA and IT Academy, has over 16 years of experience...
5 Reasons For Matrics to Choose Optimi College in 2023
Matrics of 2022, although the lockdowns and loadshedding provided you with plenty of obstacles on...
How To Take Advantage of South Africa’s Ecommerce Boom
According to The Daily Maverick, in the space of less than 3 years, the Shoprite group has taken...
Class of 2022 have better options in 2023 besides going to University
The class of 2022 is writing their final school exams as the year draws to a close, GOOD LUCK TO...
Optimi College – NEBOSH Gold Partner Status
Optimi College Awarded Honour of NEBOSH Gold Partner Status This October, Optimi College has...
The best investment you will ever make is in yourself
To everyone who is looking for accessible and affordable ways to upskill, Optimi College offers...
Studying IT with Optimi College
We all know the stereotype of the techie: someone who sits in a dark room playing computer games...
How these courses can unlock job opportunities for SA’s youth
Youth Day in South Africa presents an opportunity to reflect on how far we have progressed as a...
Technical courses: 5 reasons one could be right for you
Didn’t finish matric and wondering how to advance your career? Want to work with machinery, car...
5 Benefits of Studying Business Management Courses
Imagine a course that lets you work in any industry you are interested in! You do not need to –...